Monday, December 14, 2009

Busy Times

Just a quick update this time to tide me over to the next post...

Will has been busy lately with work Christmas parties. He has at least 3 in total which seems a bit excessive! Not having a 'work', I obviously don't have any :-(

We spent a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon at a BBQ at Keryn & Brendon's. Great food, excellent company, & the weather eventually cooperated enough to allow a pleasant hour or two sitting outside in the sunshine to finish off. Saturday night we went to 'Hot Pink Bits' at BATS theatre. Absolutely filthy & absolutely hilarious pretty much sums it up! A most entertaining evening, even if I spent most of it in fear of being picked on for 'audience participation'! Check out for a taste of the evening...

Tonight we had dinner with a colleague of Will's & his partner. They live nearby so we met for a curry in Newtown. It was nice to have a meal with them before we leave the neighbourhood. Speaking of leaving, I met Will at our solicitors this afternoon to sign the final papers before we take possession of our new house on the 8th January. It is exciting how quickly that date is approaching!

Tomorrow I'll pick dad up from the airport. He has a meeting at Head Office on Wednesday, so will stay with us tomorrow night. It is always great to catch up with him. On Wednesday night there is a chance that one of Will's UK friends who has been teaching over here might stay the night, then on Thursday night we are off to Dunedin for 4 nights with the Roes. Yay!!!


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