Saturday, October 08, 2011


Wellington had glorious weather during my last week of term. Sunshine & blue skies pretty much every day. During this week we had Karen & Lucy staying with us. I used to play rugby with them in the UK & they were over for the World Cup. It was lovely to catch up with them both, & they seemed to enjoy their stay in Welly.

Last weekend we also had Nicky & Neal staying. Nicky had a tree-climbing comp at the Botanic gardens on Saturday. Will & I popped in to say hi & had a nice wander through the gardens. The tree-climbing comp is always on the same weekend as the tulip festival, so the gardens are always looking good then.
This year the tulips had bit of a World Cup theme, with several displays depicting certain countries. Above is the Tonga display, with the NZ silver fern below.
The tulips were looking good, but the Magnolias were absolutely magnificent. They were the best I can remember them looking.

Unfortunately, for the week I have now been on holiday the weather has been awful! I have had one day where is hasn't rained all day... The poor old chooks enclosure is bit of a mud bath atthe moment so I've been giving them some 'day trips' up to our patio area.

They have LOVED scratching around in the daffodil bed & eating all the little bugs. I couldn't resist catching it on video...
The chooks are now giving us an egg a day each. They are lovely eggs too. One of them happens to lay super-sized double-yolk ones on a fairly regular basis. They are huge! I almost feel sorry for the poor girl popping it out...
Our own tulips aren't so flash this year. However they did have to endure some snow, as well as 2 separate lots of hail...
The bluebells are pretty though.
In other gardening news... I have potted on all of my seedlings so the house is resembling a plant nursery at the moment. I'll probably be able to start planting them outside in another couple of weeks or so. I did count up 75 tomato plants, so might have got a bit carried away in that regard! I usually end up giving a few away. We have ordered a greenhouse to put them all in which is exciting. That should arrive soon, hopefully in this coming week while I am still on holiday.
That's about all my news. The weather forecast for next week isn't too flash either, although I think we are meant to get some respite from the rain tomorrow & on Monday.


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