Long time no hear...
Apologies for the lack of contact, I can't believe I haven't actually written since my first week back at school! It is half-term here now so I've got a weeks holiday, & a chance to catch up on bits & pieces. I don't get anything done during term-time, life is far too busy... My holiday has got off to the best possible start with watching Waikato win the rugby this morning. I don't know what I would do without my sky over here, they show a lot of the NZ rugby. I really enjoyed the game this morning, good to see the boys doing the damage!!! Speaking of rugby, I've posted a couple of photos below from the 10-a-side tournament I played a while back. They had a professional photographer there for the day & he took the following pics. The Reading strip is a bit too similar to the Marist strip from back home for my liking, but hey, beggers can't be chosers... We did use to refer to Marist as 'Green slime' but over here we're known as the 'Green machine'!

I don't actually have a huge amount of news, the last 6 weeks has pretty much been just school & rugby. School is going well, I'm really enjoying all of my classes. It is now my 4th year at Bearwood College which makes life a bit easier. The school has just updated its website, check it out at www.bearwoodcollege.berks.sch.uk if you are interested.
Things are still going really well with Will, we had our 6-month anniversary last week. He turned up with flowers, we went out for a nice meal, then came back to my place & vegged on the couch with a DVD & a bottle of champagne! Rather cliched I know, but a lovely night... He is looking forward to his trip to NZ in December. I've only got 6 weeks of school when I go back as the College has very kindly given me leave for the last week of term. We arrive on the 9th December & are looking forward to catching up with people. I'm not going to have a huge amount of time to do that as a lot of our time there is going to be spent driving around the South Island.
Hope all is well with you all, wherever in the world you are reading this! Keep in touch.
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