Monday, June 26, 2006

The Lake District

As mentioned earlier, during half-term a group from school, plus a motley assortment of other various friends spent 5 nights in the Lake district. We had sole use of a bunkhouse & spent the days knocking off various peaks, visiting the Grizedale forest park which is full of interesting sculptures, chilling out by a couple of the Lakes, & in my case, also writing reports which were due a couple of days after half-term! I know a lot of you have a short attention span & moan when I write screeds, so I'll basically just include a load of pictures with captions...

Home sweet home for the 5 nights. There was an area of forest behind the bunkhouse with a bonfire area where we cooked sausages on sticks for dinner one night.

Various sculptures from the Grizedale Forest Park. This was cool because we didn't bother buying a guide (they were a few quid & we were too tight to fork out...). Instead we just went for a wander & stumbled across the sculptures along the way.On the roof of England!!! Nic & I on the summit of Scafell Pike, Englands highest hill (978m) Another pic from the summit of Scafell Pike. Check out the crowds! I'm bottom left, I believe I was texting Will at the time...

The view from Scafell Pike.

Father & son... Rich & Alexander posing for a catalogue shot. Then Rich & Steve after having dealt to a (rather steep!) gully on the way up Sca Fell.

Lunchtime! Taking a breather in an idyllic spot on the way up Helvellyn.

Rich having bit of a play. What a poser!

Striding edge, a cracking ridge on the way up Helvellyn. Unfortunately Bramble (the dog) found the rock a bit hard-going at times & needed a little bit of assistance... Another hill conquered... The summit of Helvellyn.

A well-earned pint at the end of a magic days walking...

So there you have it, another excellent holiday with great people & great scenery. My summer holidays start in a week & a half, but more about my plans for those in my next post.


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