Another week down
Before I get you up to to date with the happenings of the week I thought I'd post a piccie of the new duvet that Will bought as a surprise when I was in Borneo. I didn't want another long & wordy post with no pictures in it! He did a great job, it matches and everything. Not bad for a bloke!!! The velvet heart-shaped cushion was a rather tongue in cheek pressie from Barcelona.
Wednesday night was rugby training which was a good hard session. Our first match is next Sunday. I'm always pretty shattered by the time I get to my rugby on a Wednesday, because I have already done close to two hours helping to coach the boys at school in the afternoon.
Thursday night is my duty night in the boarding house. The girls are great & it is very rare to have any problems or hassle whilst on duty, but I do still find it takes it out of me, just because it is a late night since you don't get home till after 11.
Friday night was really my first opportunity to miss Will, since I had been busy every other night since he left on Tuesday. My after-school activity is going to the local gym & making sure a handful of kids make it there (which they always do, because they are paying for it!). I did a good session, then came home for a nice long bath, watched a bit of rugby on the box, then got an early night.
My Saturday morning activity this year is touch rugby with some of the juniors, so it is good fun. Because it is the second session & doesn't start until 11:40 it means I can get a nice long lie-in. When I got home I watched the All-Blacks win the Tri-Nations series decider against Oz. I really do love Sky+ & being able to watch things whenever you want. It was then actually sunny enough for me to venture outside! I decided to make the most of the weather & spent 3 hours weeding my flower bed, which had been rather neglected... Will arrived home from his conference in Barcelona around 9pm so it is lovely to have him back. His paper that he presented was on "Multi-criteria minimum spanning trees" whatever they may happen to be! Apparently it went down well.
Today was another nice day. I had a two-hour rugby training in the afternoon, before heading home & marking some books in the garden. I've still got one class still to mark, so I suppose I'd better stop procrastinating & get on with them...
Lastly, I was reading a friends blog entry about Reading festival & she had posted links to a couple of Killers videos from the festival. They were the Saturday night headliners & totally rocked!
Mr Brightside
All these things that I have done -the finale, & brilliant, especially when loads of confetti came streaming out of the sound-box near the end. It was very very spectacular.
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