No more reports!
Another 3 weeks have somehow passed by since the last post. I don't know where I used to find the time to post every week! Although being a lady of leisure for 6 months did help...
We were a bit concerned by the ominous looking cloud that was blowing in, as we were off to the rugby in the evening. The nice thing about the Wellington weather is that it doesn't stick around for long and sure enough, there was bit of a downpour and then it blew somewhere else...
The rugby that night was very exciting, with the Hurricanes victorious over my old team the Chiefs. It was touch & go for a long time with the Chiefs in front with only a few minutes to go. No problem for the Hurricanes though, as they ran in a couple of late tries to take the match fairly comfortably in the end. We had taken advantage of the 'buy one ticket get another free' offer in our entertainment book, so it was a good cheap night out!
After the rugby it was onwards for even more socialising. Some of Will's Korfball team-mates were having a party so we headed straight on to that. It was over the other side of town in Mirimar so I was the nominated driver for the night. It was good fun though & I met some very cool people.
Dad had a meeting in Welly on Friday so flew in Thursday night and stayed the night with us. It was great to see him as always, & he made us VERY happy by bringing down with him a big bag of fejoias, as well as a couple of butternut squash from their garden. I was away at badminton for most of the night so it was left to Will to entertain the father-in-law...
Tomorrow night my sister & her husband are coming round for dinner. They currently live in Melbourne & are on whistle-stop trip back to NZ. I don't reckon I've seen her for about 3 & a half years so it'll be nice to catch-up.
Right, that's about all my news. I've been far too busy doing school-work the last couple of weeks to have got up to anything too exciting. I'll leave you with a couple of nice pics Will took of a sunset over the Otari-Wilton bush hills we look out over.