Monday, June 26, 2006

The Lake District

As mentioned earlier, during half-term a group from school, plus a motley assortment of other various friends spent 5 nights in the Lake district. We had sole use of a bunkhouse & spent the days knocking off various peaks, visiting the Grizedale forest park which is full of interesting sculptures, chilling out by a couple of the Lakes, & in my case, also writing reports which were due a couple of days after half-term! I know a lot of you have a short attention span & moan when I write screeds, so I'll basically just include a load of pictures with captions...

Home sweet home for the 5 nights. There was an area of forest behind the bunkhouse with a bonfire area where we cooked sausages on sticks for dinner one night.

Various sculptures from the Grizedale Forest Park. This was cool because we didn't bother buying a guide (they were a few quid & we were too tight to fork out...). Instead we just went for a wander & stumbled across the sculptures along the way.On the roof of England!!! Nic & I on the summit of Scafell Pike, Englands highest hill (978m) Another pic from the summit of Scafell Pike. Check out the crowds! I'm bottom left, I believe I was texting Will at the time...

The view from Scafell Pike.

Father & son... Rich & Alexander posing for a catalogue shot. Then Rich & Steve after having dealt to a (rather steep!) gully on the way up Sca Fell.

Lunchtime! Taking a breather in an idyllic spot on the way up Helvellyn.

Rich having bit of a play. What a poser!

Striding edge, a cracking ridge on the way up Helvellyn. Unfortunately Bramble (the dog) found the rock a bit hard-going at times & needed a little bit of assistance... Another hill conquered... The summit of Helvellyn.

A well-earned pint at the end of a magic days walking...

So there you have it, another excellent holiday with great people & great scenery. My summer holidays start in a week & a half, but more about my plans for those in my next post.

Friday, June 09, 2006



Well, another half-term has finished & I had a great 5 nights up in the Lake district with some of my friends. It is worthy of its own post so more on that later...

Things all good here, there is now less than 4 weeks of school till the summer holiday, so I'm kind of getting into countdown mode already... It's a very nice time of the year with the seniors gone. Very chilled out... Tomorrow I teach 1 35 minute lesson at 2:15pm, then another at 3:30 & that is me done for the day. I haven't even got any reports to write, they were all due in on Tuesday.

The weather has finally decided to come right as well, it really does feel like summer at the moment. We played our touch rugby game last night in glorious sunshine. Touch is going really well this year, we are top of our league & undefeated so far... I do love the long summer evenings you get over here, it is light till about 10pm at the moment.

As some of you also know, I've also met a lovely guy I've been seeing for the last 8 or so weeks... He's an Englishman, but I try not to hold that against him... It's early days but things are going well. His name is Will & he is a lecturer at Reading Uni. Below is a couple of photos of us at the May ball, which was the first weekend of half-term.