Monday, August 09, 2010

Post number 250!

So, a lot has happened in the 250 posts since I began writing this blog back in March 2006! Back then I would never have guessed that the 250th post would be written on an iPad, in NZ, with the most wonderful English husband sitting on the couch next to me... It's funny how life works out, especially since I never really intended to get married!

Three weeks have somehow managed to pass by since the last post. It has all been fairly mundane really... Last weekend I played my first 'proper' badminton tournament (the club handicaps a few weeks back didn't count!). It was the Wellington B grade open, and I did OK, winning the woman's doubles and coming runner-up in the mixed doubles. My partner and I lost the mixed final 19-21, 21-19, and then 18-21 in the decider. If I had known that the Wellington Association gave out prize-money I might have been even more motivated to win! I ended up with $50 and a couple of medals for my efforts, so not a bad day out... I had also entered the singles, but it was cancelled due to lack of interest. People down this way seem happy to play doubles, but don't seem at all interested in singles which is a shame... This weekend I trained with the Wellington Masters team which was great fun. They are keen for me to play for them as soon as I become eligible (which is in another year). In the meantime they have invited me to train with them each week in order to give them some match-play practice.

On Saturday night we hosted a poker night for Will's Evolutionary Computation research group. It was a good night with poker being played either side of the AB's rugby game against Oz. I made four huge pizzas which went down a treat. I was pretty happy about busting out in 4th place, out of 11. The eventual winner did get a hand of quad queens, so probably did deserve to win... The group is a mix of Will's colleagues, as well as some of his post-grad students. They all enjoyed the night and are keen to make it a monthly event!

That's about it from me. No pictures this time I'm afraid... Dad has a meeting in Welly on Friday, so will stay Friday and Saturday night with us which will be nice.


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