On the second Tuesday of the holidays my mum and
nana flew down from Hamilton. It was lovely having them to stay and they were very easy house guests. Over the last couple of months the birds have (finally!) discovered the birdbath, so it was nice that
nana could see them using it as it was a house-warming gift from her.

We did lots of work in the garden throughout the week, with mum &
nana spending hours weeding. They have cleared all the weeds & moss from the patio and it is now looking great.

We have also been busy right at the bottom of our garden. It was a bit neglected but we have weeded the bed down there and planted some more soft fruit, to go with the few strawberry plants and 2
raspberry canes that were already there. We put in some more strawberries, 2 more
raspberries, 2 blueberry, a loganberry and a boysenberry. Will has also built a cage around the bed to keep the birds off when they start to fruit.

Nana was quite taken with our
ipad and enjoyed playing with the virtual pond & a bubble game...

I like the pic below of 3 different generations of our family.

managed to get a few gym sessions in during the second week, including using up 3 personal training sessions that I got free when I joined up way back in January. One day mum &
nana went shopping at the shopping centre across from the gym while I did my workout. On the way home we stopped in at the Botanic Gardens. There were some very nice
waterlilies out in Begonia house.
There were also some very cute ducklings which mother duck was very protective of. They must keep her busy as we counted 10!
Mum &
nana flew home on Saturday afternoon. It really was lovely having them stay, & we appreciated all the help around the house and section.

In other garden news, we discovered that we have a lovely little patch of bluebells. We haven't been in the house for a full year yet, so it is very exciting seeing what pops up in the garden, especially at this time of the year. We also weeded the area under the lemon and
grapefruit trees, as it was starting to get a bit over-run. It was a big job, & we now intend to put down some weed matting so we don't have to do it again.

vege garden is starting to get sorted. We have planted some broccoli, cauliflower,cabbage and lettuce seedlings which seem to be going OK. The peas, carrots, radishes & rocket are also sprouting. I love this time of the year!