Garden news
I haven't posted a garden update for a while, so thought that it was timely...
Our prospero rose which we planted a few months back continues to do well. It has the most gorgeous highly scented blooms.
In other news, my friend Sara & her husband (plus their 2 & 4 year old kids) came & stayed with us for a couple of nights at the end of the week. I used to teach with Sara at St Peter's & it was great catching up with her & the family. They arrived on Wednesday, then on Friday caught the early morning ferry to the South Island where they are having a family holiday for several weeks.
I am back into my rugby & have had 2 pre-season games so far. The season proper starts next week. I had forgotten just how sore I always am the day after a match, today I haven't been too flash! I guess me body will eventually get used to it again... Last night Will & I went to a friends 30th birthday party with a 'Rubik's Cube' theme. It was loads of fun, but the punch made with fejoia vodka & the Rubik's Cube coloured jelly shots probably helped contribute to me not quite being 100% today... The 'young' ones continued into town but Will & I decided to call it a night. Will was driving so we dropped a carload into town just after midnight then came home to bed.