
Well, the morning after my last post we woke up to find it had snowed overnight. It was really pretty, but unfortunately, because I had stayed the night at Will's, it did mean clearing an inch or so off my car before I was able to drive the 10 minutes or so back to school... Will took a couple of photos, from the warmth & comfort of the bedroom I must add! The kids before school & at breaktime had great fun with some snowball fights, but it had mostly disappeared by lunch & we haven't had anymore since...

It has been a busy week in terms of school, lots of late nights getting on top of marking etc... On Thursday nights Will & I have started playing squash at the University which is great fun. Will can beat me at the moment, but I'm working on it... We've played twice now & already the games are getting a bit closer. Oh well, at least I can still kick his butt at badminton!!!
It has been a really nice relaxing exeat weekend, & I got my sleep-ins I was hanging out for on both days. Last night we went out for dinner at a pub in Windsor as a birthday get-together for one of Will's friends. It was a nice meal, but the coolest thing was, the windows looked directly out onto the walls of Windsor Castle. It was quite literally a stones throw away.
Not much more news really... Quite a few kids have expressed interest in the Summer 2008 Borneo trip, so it is looking more & more likely that it will be going ahead. Next weekend I'm on duty in the boarding house, so won't be up to too much. It's quite nice though, I get all my housework done & usually catch up on a few DVD's etc. I don't actually have to do much on duty, apart from having to be in my flat for the weekend. The Super 14 rugby starts next weekend & Sky are showing quite a few matches, so I'll look forward to catching some of those. Only 2 weeks till half-term!!!
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