Friday, September 14, 2007

Need a holiday!

Sorry for the lack of contact lately, for some reason I don't quite have so much spare time now I'm back at work... Oh well, only 5 weeks till half-term.

School is good, but busy. My classes seem very nice, but it is still early days... I'm loving the 10 minute walk through the woods to get to school each day. I walk along a lake, through a golf-course, then through the woods, & it's a really nice way to start the day. I mightn't be saying that in winter however! The woods get pretty muddy, but I suppose I have my wellies... I'm also loving the feeling of actually going home at the end of the day, as in my previous flat I had kids living all around me, & I was always aware that they were there.
We had our first rugby on Sunday, the Bracknell 10's tournament that we always start our season with. We played really well, losing only 1 of our pool games. That put us in the shield final, which we won 63-0! Not a bad score for 20 minutes of rugby!! The hard work I've been putting in paid off as my fitness held up, despite the fact that I'm a prop, so not exactly suited to the 10-aside game! Our first 15-aside match is next Sunday. I have managed to do something to my neck which is bit of a pain (quite literally). It's easing up a bit, but still isn't right, & I don't have full movement in it at the moment. I'm getting a deep-tissue sports massage on Saturday which will hopefully free it up a bit. I would hate to miss our first league match of the season...
Not much other news... Will & I are both still loving the new place, although we've both been too busy to do much to it lately. Will has been busy getting his house in a fit state to rent out. We are having a house warming next Friday which should be good. I'm looking forward to watching lots of the rugby world cup this weekend, the AB's are looking HOT. If we don't win it this time round, us kiwis at school are going to take some major stick...


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