I have had a very nice week off. It helped that the weather has been absolutely GLORIOUS. We had sunshine nearly every single day, and it got up to about 26 degrees on Friday, which is pretty impressive for England at this time of the year! It's really not a bad place to live when the sun is shining...
As for my long list of half-term jobs... I didn't do too badly really. All my reports that are due tomorrow are done, and entered on the school network, & I've made a pretty good start on the next lot which are due Monday week. It is a bit less painful writing them when I can sit outside in the garden, writing them on my laptop & working on the tan at the same time!
I managed to get to the gym a bit, a couple of times it was for workout, then another day I met Ric there for a game of badminton, & the next day Jason & Nat joined us for some doubles. Us girls took the boys on & we won the first 3 games, but they then managed to sneak the next one. I hadn't played for 8 or 9 months so was a bit out of touch. It was good fun though, I think i'll start playing again when I move back to NZ. Keeping on the fitness theme we won our touch game on Wednesday night & are currently second on the table with one league match to go. We've got the bottom team to play so are assured of a semi-final spot.
Will & I spent Saturday doing some work on his house. It was far too nice to be inside so we've pretty much got the garden sorted. After lots of tidying up & trimming back it is looking a lot better. Will went back today & cut a tree down from in front that was blocking a fair bit of light. He has got real estate agents coming around on Monday & Tuesday for a look, so hopefully it will be on the market in the very near future.

On Saturday night we went to a BBQ round at Ric's place. It was to celebrate Ric gaining his British citizenship, and George's birthday. I particularly like Ric's 'flaming armpits' in the photo above! It was one of the first social outings for little Erin, George & Hannah's wee one. I don't really do babies, but I have to admit she is kind of cute!

It was a very good night, as most things round at Ric's are! The weather was perfect, the food was good, the pimms was flowing, & the company wasn't too bad either... Will & I made it home at around 2am.
Back to school tomorrow, but only 5 & a half weeks until the end of the school year. It's a bit scary really how much I have to do between now & then. The seniors have now left which lightens my load a bit. The 5th form have their final GCSE exam tomorrow morning, so Ric, Scottie & I went into school this evening for a couple of hours to help with any last-minute problems with our classes. I was quite impressed, out of my class of 12, 9 kids turned up for some extra help. Fingers crossed it will go well for them tomorrow...