...of the world!!! OK, champions of the world may be a slight exaggeration, but definitely of Reading! Yep, we managed to scrape a 5-4 win in the mixed division 1 touch final last night. No one can quite believe it! This team kicked our butt twice during the regular season, & cruised to the final having swept everyone else comfortably aside. As you can imagine, they were pretty gutted about losing. We just played the game of our lives, with everyone fronting up for the big occasion. Last year we won Division 2, so it was a great effort winning the top league in our first season in it.
We celebrated with an after-match BBQ at Sarah's, to drink the beers, & bottle of bubbly which we won. The trophy we won was a rugby ball with a hand grasping it, so it opened up a few photo opportunities during the night...
Sarah happened to fall prematurely asleep, & Chris couldn't resist the opportunity for a bit of embellishment...
His whiteboard marker wasn't really cutting the mustard, so Will just happened to mention that you can make pretty good charcoal by burning a cork...
The end result really was quite spectacular! We printed the pic below & put it up on the staff notice board (I know, we're a mean bunch) & lots of people didn't recognise her...
Luckily College exams started today, so there was no 'real' teaching involved. The exams officer was very kind to the maths department this year & scheduled 3 of the 4 maths exams on the very first day. It means I've already got 2 of my papers marked, & will easily get the 3rd one done tomorrow as I'm free for the whole day apart from a 50 minute invigilation. The last of my exams is on Monday. The end is well & truly in sight now, I realised today that in 2 weeks time I'll be in Ecuador! How cool is that!!!
Congrats to all - Goody
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