Friday, June 01, 2007

Another win


We had a good 7-4 victory over the Dragons at touch last night, putting us into 3rd place. Next week we play the bottom ranked team who haven't won a game yet, so fingers crossed... Hopefully we'll finish 3rd, thus avoiding a semi-final against the top team, who are pretty much unbeatable! We celebrated with a BBQ back at mine. We decided that Chris, the sports assistant, was suitably qualified to cook the barbie, being an Aussie and all...
He kind of had his hands full! He tried to blame me for not initially telling him the BBQ had temperature control, & then he turned it onto full blast when he thought he was turning it down! Young Aussies, I don't know... Luckily he redeems himself by being a lovely guy...
Steve had specifically requested pistachio nuts, seeing as they were bit of a tradition at my bashes. I believe it was indeed Steve with the opening gambit of 'I bet I can't get this shell down your shirt...' Needless to say, it turned into bit of a free-for-all, resulting in carnage. Next time he asks for pistachios he might have to make do with peanuts, & ones without shells at that!
This morning was rather leisurely, before getting up to sweep all the nut shells off my patio! Will is snowed under with marking exam scripts at the moment, so worked from home in the morning & got lots of marking done. He is considering doing the same tomorrow which would be nice. I've been chipping away at my reports, which are starting to get there... It is mean of the school having them due straight after a holiday!
There are loads of birds around at the moment, my garden is full of parents feeding their young. At one stage today I counted 12 birds on my various feeders & table. The cutest by far was a tiny baby woodpecker which sat on the fence. He was just a black & white ball of fluff with a bright red head. His mum pecked out nuts from the nut feeder & fed them to him beak to beak. VERY cute! I've also got a family of tits who do the same on the fat-balls.
Below is the latest sunrise from Richie Roe in good ol' Dunedin. As I've said before, it's not a bad view to wake up to every day!


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