Bank Holiday Weekend
We have just had a VERY busy bank holiday weekend. Will had taken Friday off work for the Reading festival, so he ended up having an extra long weekend...
On Saturday the weather was gorgeous, really nice & hot. It was just Will & I, & Steve & Kate for today, & we had another really good day. There is nothing better than having a few drinks in the sunshine with good company & music...Bands we saw on the Saturday included Pigeon Detectives, Panic! at the Disco, Bloc Party, & Arcade Fire. Will & I were then torn between the 2 acts headlining the 2 biggest stages. We decided to compromise by watching the first half hour of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the main stage, then we headed to the NME Radio 1 stage to watch The View. I'm glad we didn't miss The View, they really were fantastic. Because they were in a tent, unlike the main stage, the atmosphere was incredible. The whole tent was crammed fill of people jumping up & down & singing their hearts out. It was probably the most enjoyable act from both days.
There was no time on Sunday for recovering from the excesses of the festival... It was house day! We managed to get through a long list of jobs, & slowly but surely, everything is starting to come together. We (well, mostly Will) did a lot of work in the garden, mainly mowing the whole section, including the huge patch of waist-high nettles! It's amazing how different it looks already. We also sorted out the study, hung up coat hooks, & put together a gorgeous old mahogany wardrobe that Will's dad has lent us, as well as other general clearing & sorting out.
On Monday, with the help of Steve & Kate, we built our shed! It is very cool... It's just about finished, we just need to tidy up the roof felting, & then nail on some fascias. It probably wasn't the most relaxing way for Will to spend his day off, but it certainly was productive!
I'm feeling very proud of myself at the moment... Our new washing machine was delivered this morning, & I managed to unpack it & install it by myself. I've even given it a test run & as far as I can see there aren't any leaks! The only thing STILL not going to plan is BT. They are seriously starting to do my head in. You may recall that I was on the phone to them at Will's place as I was writing my last post? Well I ended up being on the phone for 4 hours!!! All we want to do is get our landline re-connected, we're not asking for anything difficult... I finally got through to a guy who seemed prepared to help me, then just as he was putting the order through, his whole computer system crashed! I've given up, & have now got Will on the case to try & get it sorted. Hopefully he'll have better luck than me!
No other news... Pre-release weekend tickets for next years Reading festival went on sale this morning, so I've snapped some up. It'll be something to look forward to in a whole years time.