Before it got dark Will and his mum and I did a circuit of the grounds for a bit of fresh air and exercise, before settling in and watching lots of Christmas TV, and in particular, lots of Wallace and Grommit! A meal of Christmas dinner leftovers in the evening, more TV, a bit of cards, and then it was time for bed.
Boxing day was similarly relaxed with a leisurely start, more games, more TV, and more leftover turkey! We drove back home late afternoon.
On Saturday Will and I spent a day in town trawling through the sales. We picked up some incredible bargains. Will found a gorgeous navy blue cashmere V-neck pullover from a Saville Row designer that was £197 reduced to £37! I picked up a dress for our New Year's Eve party which was under half-price. However our favourite purchase was a Sony Bravia 40" flat-screen TV which is very very cool. We had been thinking of getting one for a while but thought we'd wait for the sales and see what we could find.
That's about it for news. This whole Christmas period has been very social, and we've managed to catch up with quite a few people. A couple of night before Christmas we had a great night with Annabel at Steve & Kate's. It started of with an impromptu invite for dinner, and ended up being a silly night filled with cocktails, a game of articulate, karaoke, & finished at around 2am! Last night we had dinner at Scottie and Sarah's which was another lovely evening, and slightly more sensible than Steve and Kate's! On New Year's Eve we have a formal cocktail party at the Penlington's which should be good fun.
Just before I go, a note about the weather. I hope those of you on the other side of the world are making the most of the sunshine because it is FREEZING here! There is no snow around, but the high today is zero degrees, with a low of -4. I went to the gym at 1pm yesterday and had to de-ice the car!