
We arrived early afternoon & spent the rest of the day wandering around one of the local towns,

The second day was our big walking day. The plan was to do Cairn Gorm (1245m) then carry on & knock off Ben Macdui (1309m) as well. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate & we only ended up getting to the top of Cairn Gorm. It was snowing for most of the time, then as we got a bit of altitude we were practically in white-out conditions. It's bit of a let-down when you slog your way to the top of a hill then can only see about 15m in front of you! We had loads of fun on the way down, including building a snowman, sledding on a plastic suvival bag, & also numerous snowball fights!

The third day involved a bit of low level walking (I saw my first red squirrel!), & also a tour of the Cardhu whiskey distillery. It wasn't bad, but not a patch on the Bushmills distillery in Northern Ireland which I visited a couple of years ago. We really had a great 3 nights in the bunkhouse, the evenings were filled with poker & games of 500 till the wee small hours... The first night we called it quits at 1am, the second was 2am, & in keeping with the sequence, we were up till 3am on the 3rd night.

So there you go, I survived my first (& probably my last!) stag do. The photo on the right shows a few of the guys. Steve, the one getting married is at the front. The wedding is on Saturday & promises to be a great day & night affair. Unfortunately I've got a rugby match on the Sunday which might be interesting, but I think it's in the afternoon so things should be fine. No other news really, I'm just enjoying being on holiday & enjoying spending time with my parents.
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