Exeat Weekend
I'm coming to the end of a very nice relaxing weekend. It's an exeat, meaning all the boarders at school have to go home for the weekend, & I didn't have to do my regular Saturday morning rugby coaching. I did have a 3rd form parents evening Friday night, but I teach a lovely class so it was mostly lots of positive feedback. Being a bottom set it's a nice small class so I was finished pretty quickly.
Saturday morning I used the opportunity to go to a winter touch-rugby training session that runs every week, but I usually have to miss due to my school commitments. It was really good, a hard fast game of 5 v 5, with another girl plus myself, then the rest guys. My knee was fine while I was playing, but since then I've had sharp stabbing pain on the opposite side to the ligament I strained 3 weeks ago at rugby. Maybe it was a bit ambitious & the knee wasn't quite ready for some serious touch... I might try & see a doctor this week & get it checked out.
I got back from touch & had a very domestic afternoon. I baked Will & I some savoury scones for lunch, filled up all my bird feeders, then cleaned the house & put on a couple of loads of washing. Will disappeared off to Volleyball late afternoon & I had a nice chicken Thai green curry waiting for his return, washed down with my favourite kiwi sauv blanc... We then watched 'Garden State' on DVD which we both enjoyed. We've had a pretty busy social life of late, so it was lovely having a chilled night in with just the two of us. I rang mum & dad & had a long chat which was lovely, as I hadn't spoken to them in a while.
Today was also very relaxed, it was a glorious sunny (but crisp!) winters day, & Will did some digging in the garden, then we've both been doing a bit of school work for most of the afternoon. I've been marking books (zzzzzzzzzzz) & Will has been playing around trying to get a piece of computer programming to work, & getting quite frustrated with it, which was amusing! I did find some time to book the Euro tunnel shuttle for a booze run to Calais on the last Saturday of half-term (23rd Feb). We're planning on getting all our wedding wine, as you can pick it up in France for half the price of the UK. In fact good kiwi sauv blanc is often cheaper than what you can get it for in NZ! Our mate Stevo is keen to come along as well & we'll make a day of it. We should be able to fit loads in the back of Will's car. You can pretty much bring back as much as you like, as long as it is for 'personal consumption'.
It is NOW 3 weeks until half-term... Unfortunately I was a week ahead of myself a couple of posts earlier...