Monday, January 14, 2008

My mistake

I've just been informed by one of my readers with an interest in orthinology that whilst it is indeed very very small, the wren is not actually the smallest bird in Britain. That honour instead goes to the goldcrest which pips the wren by 0.5 of a cm. Cheers for setting the record straight Goody! To my knowledge, I haven't had the pleasure of a visit from one to our garden yet...

Didn't manage to survive my rugby game against Ealing today, I twisted my dodgy knee whilst making a tackle after about 20 minutes. It was a 0-0 draw which was actually a really good result for us, as they gave us bit of a thumping in the first round fixture. Hopefully if I take it easy for a few days the knee will be OK to play the home game against Footscray next Sunday. It's pretty frustrating, especially as I'm really motivated to train at the moment (for a change!).

I enjoyed the Golden Compass last night, I thought they did it really well. It was a very pleasant evening with a nice dinner at the George, the movie, then a few drinks at the Abery's place, & a 3-minute wander home afterwards. It's this social aspect I'll miss the most when we eventually leave Bearwood. With the majority of staff living on-site it is so nice to be able to have dinners/drinks/parties etc without having to worry about driving.


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