Another lovely weekend
This week has also passed by very quickly. Time really does fly during term-time. This term there is a staff & scholars badminton challenge ladder being run at school, so Friday afternoon I challenged the kid who was top of the ladder & beat him quite comfortably. We'll see how long I last at the top... On Friday night there were a few staff going out for a curry in Wokingham, but I didn't really fancy it. I had a nice quiet night in with Will, once he got back from his usual Friday night poker game with his colleagues.
Saturday was exeat, meaning I didn't have to go into school in the morning for activities. Instead I went & played touch rugby for an hour & a half. It's a social pick-up game where they also do a few drills & a bit of coaching, & it runs every Saturday, but I usually can't make it because of school. After lunch I went into town & picked up a couple of things that I needed. I hadn't been into Reading since term started 4 weeks ago! Will was busy all day at his University open day, & he said they had really good numbers through the department. He went straight from there to volleyball, so I didn't see him till 7pm!
The weather on both days was lovely. Today we had a leisurely morning, before heading to the supermarket for our weekly shop. This afternoon I had a badminton match against some random guy who had advertised in gumtree for a hitting partner. He used to play a while ago, but had had seven years off. He wanted to get back in the swing of things before possibly joining a club. We played just across the road at my gym which was convenient for me. He wasn't that great, but he got a lot out of the session & did improve. When I got back Will & I both sat out in the garden & did some work. He is currently examining a thesis in his field from a student at Victoria University. One of the professors that he met there during the conference in NZ a couple of years ago (& who my dad used to teach!) invited him to be one of the three examiners for it. This guy should be a great contact if/when we move back to NZ & Will is trying to get a job. 
This afternoon we picked another couple of our random squashes. The small one is a rolet, and the biggie is a table queen. We roasted them both & had the rolet for dinner tonight, along with some roasted sweet potato, & beans & carrots from our garden. I've made the table queen into a roasted squash soup, using onions from our garden, which we'll have for dinner tomorrow night.
That's all my news, probably for another week. Tomorrow night I'm going to play a flood-lit game of touch rugby. On Saturday the guy running it said one of the teams is short of a lady if I wanted a game. I'll definitely get one match, & hopefully two.