Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cold snap

As you might have heard, Britain is in the middle of a cold snap at the moment. This past week the daily high has been 1 or 2 degrees, with lows of -3 or 4. It's the longest period of sustained cold dry weather in about 20 years. This has resulted in the lake almost totally freezing over for the first time in my 6 years at Bearwood. I didn't quite trust it enough to put my full weight on the ice!
In the foreground of the pic below you can see a golf-ball on the surface of the ice. Some of the golfers have had great fun hitting balls out onto the lake. We watched one ball bounce a couple of times, then skid along for 100m or so!
On Monday morning we woke up to a light dusting of snow, which made the lake even prettier still...

Tonight is meant to be -5 degrees, making it the coldest night yet. Luckily our house is warm & cosy with all of its radiators. When Will drove me to the hospital at 9am this morning for my MRI scan it was still -4 degrees. We had our two new GAP students arrive for the start of the new term, & after leaving the warmth of the Aussie summer they are finding the weather a little bit hard to adjust too!


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