Last night Will & I had our engagement party. It was a very enjoyable night with a really good turnout. It was quite strange having so many different people, from different parts of our lives, together in the same room. Put it this way, the clientele ranged from Will's fellow academics, to the girls from my rugby team! We held the party in the common room at my school & everybody seemed to have a good time. A big big thank you to those of you who bought us lovely cards & gifts. I know that the numerous bottles of champagne will definitely be enjoyed over time! We finally called it a night at around 3:30am. The last hour or so was very chilled however. Will had brought along his guitar, so the lights were dimmed & the small (but select!)group that were left at the end sat around & had bit of a singalong. Scottie, my head of department knows an impressive amount of Crowded House (especially for a Canadian) which was much appreciated by the kiwis! It was a lovely way to end the night.
The next morning, after a suitably restorative sleep-in, we were ready to face the carnage that was the common room! In saying that, it really wasn't that bad, & didn't take long at all to clean up. There was a very impressive collection of empty bottles though! Huge thanks to my friend Nic who had stayed the night at mine & helped Will & I clean up in the morning. Surprisingly enough, considering the amount of alcohol drunk, not a single one of the 60 odd glasses we had hired were lost or broken! That is despite one rather dodgy moment when one of my rugby mates discovered a football & started kicking it around the room... Rich, Dodgy Rog actually bettered your feat of jumping over the big oak table, because he did it over all the bottles as well! It was very impressive, if a tad heart in mouth...
No other news really... As you might imagine, the rest of the weekend was rather quiet... I watched the England/France rugby game today & thought England were OK, & probably did deserve to win, but France were awful. This evening I've just enjoyed chilling out & reading the Sunday papers.
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