It's a nice feeling being on holiday (yet again, I hear some of you mutter...). Speech day on Saturday went well, the guest speaker was Captain Cooney, who is the youngest person ever to walk to the South Pole. He was really interesting, he talked about that expedition, & also his upcoming expedition which is leading a group to the North Pole.
Yesterday Will & I drove to Heathrow to pick up Wayne & Roger, who had had a few days in the Netherlands. I see quite a bit of Rog, as he lives in London & has done for the past few years, but I hadn't seen Wayne in 3 & a half years. He hadn't changed one bit! As some of you probably know, him & Roger are like a couple of boisterous puppies when they are together... They have endless energy & are constantly egging each other on!
I just happened to have a nice leg of NZ lamb in my freezer, so cooked that, along with a mountain of roast veges. I had forgotten quite how much they eat... They (along with Will) demolished the lot, & Roger even had a gnaw on the bone. Wayne flew out to Finland this morning, so Roger dropped him off at Heathrow on his way back to London.
Today was very relaxed, it was a Bank Holiday so Will had the day off as well. We got up late, then went to Will's parents for afternoon tea, which also ended up turning into dinner. His parents are lovely, it is always nice to spend some time with them. As for the rest of the week... I've got lots of reports to write, as my school is quite nasty & has them due in the first day back after the holiday... I'm also planning on hitting the gym a lot, as I've been training really well lately & want to keep it up. Wednesday night is touch rugby with a BBQ at mine after the match, then on Saturday I'm off to Twickenham with Will & a couple of other mates to watch the finals day of the Churchill Cup. It is between England Scotland & Ireland A's, Canada, USA & NZ Maori. They are playing all 3 matches on Saturday, & the grand final will most likely be between the Maoris & England A. I watched the Maoris play on Friday night & it was entertaining if nothing else! They demolished Canada, & 12 tries were scored in the match. I also want to find some time to plan the rest of my South America trip, as it isn't that long till I'm off...