On Saturday night I got back from my 4 days on the DofE expedition in Dartmoor. I had heard from Ric on Wednesday night that we had lost our touch final 6-4. Apparently we played quite well, but lost to a better team. I enjoyed my time on Dartmoor, helped by the fact that our campsite was the back field of a lovely pub where we ate each night! I managed to get out on the moors for a nice walk each day. Dartmoor is a pretty special place in that it is just acres & acres of nothingness. We hardly saw another soul the whole time we were there. We were based in Princetown, which is famous for its high security prison which you can see in the pic below.
Being the time of the year it was, there was a lot of livestock with their young around. The sheep /cows/moorland ponies are not bothered by vehicles at all. They happily sat on the side of the road as you drove past...
After one walk we arrived back to the minibus to find a welcoming committee of 3 beautiful big horses who appreciated some of the lush long grass we fed them.Dartmoor is an interesting place to walk. It has loads of features such as stone crosses, standing stones, remnants from it's tin-mining past, & on the last day we wandered around the remains of a bronze-age village which was quite interesting (for a pile of stones!). There was also the odd part where you could easily have been back in NZ
Tomorrow I am back in school for my last day before the holidays, then Tuesday & Wednesday I'm off to the South Downs for the bronze DofE expedition. On Wednesday night Will & I have tickets to see Jack Johnson play Hyde Park, then I am officially on my 8 weeks of summer holiday!!! Ric & I (hopefully) & 13 kids then fly to Borneo for 4 weeks on 10th July. No sign of my passport being returned yet, so hopefully it will turn up some time in the next week or so!