Ready for a holiday
I'm pretty tired at the moment & not quite feeling 100%. Not long to go now till the summer holidays though, so it's just a case of hanging in there. Friday night we were meant to have a BBQ at Nat's place, but I arrived home from the form 2 parents evening with a blinding headache & really not feeling good. Will went & represented the Brownes & had a good night, whereas I had a lovely night snuggled under the duvet on the sofa watching Charlotte's Web & other assorted light relief.
Saturday morning I enjoyed the All-Black's victory over England. You can't beat a good bit of Pommie bashing!!! I then headed into London to catch up with my mate Roger who got married that morning, & was having a casual drinks/food/reception thingie back at their place. After hanging out a few hours there I met up with cousin Renee & Jeremy, & had a really nice time catching up with them. It was a good day, & I didn't get home till after 11pm.
Sunday I enjoyed a nice long sleep-in, then had bit of a sorting day around the house, doing lots of odds & ends & housework. Will had gone into London to have lunch with a visiting professor from the States who he has collaberated with in the past. He had open day at the uni for most of Saturday, so we didn't actually see much of each other this weekend!
The garden is still coming along nicely. It's looking better & better as more flowers start to bloom. The runner beans have gone a bit mad & are almost as tall as I am now! Our peas are starting to develop pods which is exciting, you can see them in the pic below. ![](
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