Friday, January 16, 2009

Almost a British citizen

As some of you know over the last year or so I've been jumping through the hoops in order to be granted British citizenship. Well, I am very nearly there... My application has been successful and I have been invited to a citizenship ceremony on March 2nd where I swear my allegiance to Queen and Country etc etc & am presented with my certificate. It then means I am eligible to apply for a British passport.

Aside from that, there isn't much news to report really, hence the longer than usual gap between posts. The cold snap has broken & it is now relatively mild (highs of around 8 or 9 degrees, so almost double figures!). The lake has now totally thawed.

The new term at school has started well, & I can't believe that 2 weeks has passed already. I'm training pretty well at the gym at the moment, but still haven't been back to rugby training since injuring my knee back in October. I should know my MRI scan results in the next week or two.

Lastly, I am LOVING the Twilight books! I've read the first 3, & one of the girls in the boarding house is going to lend me the 4th one tomorrow so I can read it over the weekend. Will & I went to see it at the cinema just before school went back & we both thoroughly enjoyed it.


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